Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible

The organic restoration of the original Scriptures
Translated by Christopher Sparkes


The Study Companion to the Keys of the Kingdom Bible


This is the UPDATED BOOK, January 2024, to The Earth-Shaking Truth.



Published: January 2024.
Publisher, Filament Publishing, Croydon UK.
Length: 200 pages
This is the UPDATED BOOK, January 2024, to The Earth-Shaking Truth.

What a divine wonder that so many manuscript copies of the ecstatic writings of the prophets and apostles of God are preserved! Those Biblical writings have been the subject of innumerable translations into English as well as other European languages. On such translations, the Christian Western world was founded.
Now the West, the Christian world, is perishing, under dark crawling shadows.
If it’s perishing, how sound are its written foundations?
Agitated over years of learning that there were serious translation and interpretation and textual issues concerning English Bibles, in 1997 Christopher Sparkes embarked on a long campaign of the restoration of the English Bible.
Using the old King James Bible of 1611 as a model, Sparkes found: Old and New Testament books in wrong orders; words and phrases added and words and phrases taken away, which is illegal (Revelation 22:18-19); words switched from one word class into another; grammatical forms of words and phrases altered, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions; errors with proper nouns; beautiful and powerful literary devices ignored; internal disharmonies; wrong punctuating; wrong capitalisations; imported mythologies; some words and phrases never translated correctly; and some given reckless meanings. It had all been transmogrified, processed, often in order to maintain errant orthodoxies.
In what the apostle Paul terms “the systematizing of deception” (Ephesians 4:14), they were jangling the keys of another kingdom. So manifold have been the rearrangements, the original writers might hardly recognize their own writings.
The Bible, the world’s most well-known and biggest selling book, had never been translated properly in the English language. The foundations were rotten.
To repair them – and to produce an ORGANIC English representation of the Biblical writings that would translate back into the same meanings – Sparkes formulated Translating Targets and Translating Laws: nothing can be twisted. This Study Companion discusses many aspects of the results and their heavy implications. The original orders and truths and literary beauty are seen back in their original sparkling brilliance, as they were so obviously intended from the beginning.